Monday 23 September 2013

Lenor Fabric Softener

Well I've had my latest product through to review. This time it's Lenor Fabric Softener in Spring Awakening and here are my first thoughts.

On opening the bottle the fragrance is not overwhelming or sickly, in fact it's quite pleasant compared to some products that I've used in the past. The instructions on the bottle are very clear, you can decide the softness rating that you need and that determines how much softener you need to use. For example if you use a full cap that will be twice the softness as half a cap.

For my first wash last week I decided to use half a cap to see how I got on. It was easy to measure and add to the drawer, the bottle was easy to grip - I've experienced awkward shaped bottles in the past with disastrous consequences! When the washing had finished I opened the machine door and was welcomed by a lovely smell. The washing was then added to my tumble drier, and as it was drying a lovely smell emanated through my house. After drying the clothes still smelt lovely and felt really soft. After a few days I am finding that they still smell good, just as nice as when they were just washed.

After the first use I really like this product and the Spring Awakening fragrance. I will be interested to see what other fragrances will be coming out.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Nioxin Diaboost Testing

My latest test for SavvyCircle is for Nioxin Diaboost hair treatment. This product is designed to be used on wet or dry hair and claims to thicken your hair offering you more confidence.

As someone with not the thickest of hair I was quite excited to give this product a go as my thinning hair is bothering me as I get older!

The bottle comes in a really lovely box, and the product itself in a clear pump bottle. There was one problem that I have with the bottle, I found it quite difficult to read the instructions on the bottle without holding it up to the light. I'm not sure whether it's the size or colour of the font that is causing me problems, maybe this is something that could be addressed in the future?

When it comes to use the product it is so easy. The pump bottle is easy to use and the product can be put straight on the scalp from the bottle. It can be used on wet or dry hair which is ideal when in a rush. The fragrance is very pleasant, not overpowering and suitable for male or females.

What about results? I'm quite impressed, when I have used Nioxin Diaboost my hair feels fuller and easier to manage. It looks healthier after using and I think that it is something that I will continue to use.